Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello 2017!

2016 was quite a year, wasn't it?

It has become quite popular to say it was the worst year ever. It is plastered all over the internet, let's drop kick this year out of our memory and start over fresh in 2017.

Can you remember a year in which so many horrible things happened, inexplicable things, downright alarming things? I certainly can't. But then again, I can't remember what I had for supper yesterday.

So like everyone else, I let myself be swayed by this point of view.

Bye bye 2016, you sucked!

In fact, much like my bear sister here, I felt that it was a year in which not only bad things were happening in the world, but also one in which I personally was tripping over, falling flat on my face, at every corner. A frustrating, difficult year.

It wasn't even June yet and I was wishing 2016 was over.

Everything I did was just to make myself a step closer to "getting it over with". Do you know what I mean? 

In short, I wasn't really enjoying the present.

What a mistake. What a waste.

Really, if I stop for a moment and look at 2016, I could say it was actually one of my best years ever. Not only that, this was the year in which I put my big girl pants on and started making real decisions about how my life should play out in the future.

In 2016, I took risk after risk.

I cried a lot. Like buckets. I had headaches from the crying. 

I was scared all the time, unsure of my decisions.

Overworked and massively underpaid.


...and let's stop for two seconds here and think about it...I, Heidi, me, am now in charge. 

I have my own business and place.

I made my first little cake movies and over 30000 of you actually took the time to watch them.

I had the privilege to go to Birmingham and meet some of my cake heroes, while making wonderful friends to accompany me on my cake journey.

I have wonderful clients who order from me, amazing students who want to actually learn from me, incredible readers who follow my Facebook page and support me with all their lovely comments.

And I have a wonderful husband who supports me in all my decisions (and also made my studio look awesome), a super amazing little girl who gives me the best hugs and kisses and a great family that believe in me.

I am blessed.

So 2016 actually kicked ass and I am grateful for all the opportunities and pitfalls it came along with. It made me stronger.

So hello 2017! I am ready for anything you throw my way and I will appreciate you knowing how you will help me fulfill more of my goals and lay the foundation for a great life.


  1. You da woman Heidi! Behind all those fabulous cakes that you make belies a whole lot of hard work, sleepless nights, and a load of hair pulling i am sure! It's definitely not a walk in the park! And no one really understands how much sweat, tears and emotions goes into this caking biz, except family! So it is absolutely heartening to hear that you have a loving husband and daughter that keeps you going!out with the old, in with the new!
    So here's to a brand new year, and keep churning out those awesome cakes like you always do my friend!❤

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